186 Thirteenth St
Mildura, Vic 3500
Ph (03) 50229104
Patient Information
Please fill out the New Patient Form only when advised to do so by our friendly staff.
Transfer Form
Our Forms
Access our NEW PATIENT Form
Do not complete unless instructed to do so.
New Patient Form
Onyx Medical Centre is an appointment-based clinic. Please phone the practice on (03) 50229104 to book an appointment.
Walk in patients presenting without an appointment will be fitted in at the earliest available time. Urgent medical situations will be dealt with immediately.
Longer Consultations
Please tell our reception staff at the time of booking if you require a longer consultation (e.g. medicals, health assessments, care plans, postnatal checks, and procedures).
This will enable us to schedule your appointment appropriately, avoid unnecessary delays in our waiting room, and assist our doctors to run on time.
Urgent Appointments
If you require an urgent appointment, please give us a call and we will try our best to fit you in.
For emergencies, please call Emergency 000 or visit the Emergency department of the Mildura Base Hospital located at 216 Ontario Avenue, Mildura VIC 3500.
Home and other Visits
Our doctors are able to make visits to regular patients of our practice where it is safe and reasonable to do so.
These visits may be to patients in their homes, residential aged care facility, residential care facility, or hospital of a 10 km radius, both within and outside normal opening hours. Such appointments are given to patients who are acutely ill, immobile, elderly or may have no means of transport to the practice.
After Hours
If you require URGENT medical attention after hours, please call 50229104 (24 hrs) and follow the prompts.
For emergencies, call 000 or attend the closest hospital to you. An after-hours fee for services apply.
Appointment reminders and Cancellations
With consent, our patients will receive an SMS reminder 24 hours before their appointment, via our HotDoc system. Patients can reply Yes to confirm their appointment or No to cancel.
We understand that sometimes it may be difficult to keep a schedule appointment due to unforeseen circumstances. Please inform the receptionist at least 3 hours prior to the appointment if such circumstances arise. This will enable the practice to allocate the cancelled appointment to another patient on our waiting list.
Consultation Fees
Onyx Medical Centre is a private billing clinic. Bulk billing is at the discretion of the doctor on the day.
Payment is required on the day of service.

Please note: Additional charges apply for procedures, excisions, wound dressings, cryotherapy, ear syringing, skin checks, medicals, and paperwork and work cover.
Medicare will not cover examinations for life insurance, superannuation or memberships for which someone else is responsible, for example, a compensation insurer, employer, or government authority. In this case, you will need to pay the account in full.
Please discuss these costs when you book your appointment.
The process for the follow-up of results
Patients will be notified by telephone if they are required to come in for a follow-up appointment
with the doctor to discuss any test results that are abnormal and/or require urgent attention.
Results of tests are not permitted to given out over the phone by reception staff.
If the patient cannot be contacted after three attempts, a letter will be sent in the mail and depending on seriousness, a welfare check may be initiated.
The process for our Reminder System
With the patients consent, our practice utilises a reminder system through HOTDOC to provide health promotion, preventive care and early detection of disease including:
• Immunisations
• Pap smears
• Blood test for certain conditions and health assessments
To deliver an effective and proactive reminder system it is the responsibility of each doctor and/or health practitioner to:
• Explain to patients the purpose and availability of reminder systems
• Ensure the reminder flag is NOT removed until the patient has ATTENDED their appointment
• Once the patient has their appointment, the reminder flag is removed, and the medical record filed
Telephone and Email communication
Doctors may take phone calls depending on urgency and availability.
If busy, or involved with another patient, they may elect to call you back. Our nurse can help to determine urgency.
Most problems are best dealt with in a booked consultation either face to face or telehealth.
The doctor needs to determine if advice can be given on the phone or if a face to face consultation is necessary, being mindful of clinical safety and patient confidentiality.
Non-medical staff can not give treatment or advice over the telephone.
Patients are advised there will be a private fee for communication over the phone.
Emails are for general advice only. No medical advice will be given via email.
Electronic correspondence via email will be responded to within 24 hours.
Hearing & Interpreter services
To ensure doctors fully understand the nature of their patients’ problem and patients fully understand the outcome of their consultation, we use the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) for people who English is a second language and the National Relay service for the hearing impaired. If you require these services for your appointment please inform our reception staff in advance so this can be arranged.
Medical health information & your Privacy
All patient information recorded at the surgery is kept confidential and secure in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
​We keep all our patients’ medical history and information safe in our Best Practice Software.
Our practice aims to be completely paperless.
A copy of our Privacy Policy can be found in our waiting room or on our website.
Transfer of Medical Records
If you require a copy of your medical records to be sent to another clinic, or you require a copy of your own personal records, our practice will send a Health Summary for free but may charge $40 for the preparation of complete records.
A Transfer Form from the receiving clinic or a Request for Personal Health Information Form is to be completed to ensure correct processing in a timely manner. ​
If you would like to give our clinic some feedback or lodge a formal complaint, please do so in writing to:
Onyx Medical Centre, 186 Thirteenth Street, Mildura, VIC, 3500. Alternatively, email it to reception@onyxmedical.com.au
This may be written as a letter, or you can request a formal complaint form.
A complaint can be lodged anonymously if preferred.
When you contact us, the complaints officer will:
Listen and give information
Help take your complaint to the service provider
Try and resolve your complaint
A complaint can also be reported to the office of the Health Complaints Commissioner, 26th Floor, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne. VIC 3000
Phone 1300 582 113 For more information, please visit: www.hcc.vic.gov.au